So, I have made the decision to start cloth diapering. When I first decided to try I figured it would be little rubber pants and pins. I was wrong. There are so many different kinds of diapers! They range from diapers that are like cloth versions of disposables, to ones that you have to fold and tuck and pin and then stick on a cover! It got pretty confusing pretty fast.
I finally waded my way through the hundreds of sites, and found what I hope to be the perfect diaper for me. I looked at name brands and work from home mamas, and everything in between! I have my first cloth diapers coming soon I hope.
What got me thinking about doing this was the savings, but the more I looked into it the more I realized that they are just the cutest things ever! I won't be saving much, I have discovered that I only spend $80 a month on diapers, but after the bills for doing more laundry goes up I will only save around $60 to $70. I can afford that, so basically the decision to cloth diaper is the same as any other parenting choice. It's about what works best for you. And I am going to put it to the test. So, I will chart my battles, and try to get over my revulsion to touching feces. Blech.
So, the story shall continue after I try out my first fluffies!
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